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"the body’s stress response systems
are intimately connected to the immune system" 

Dr. Julienne E. Bower, Ph.D

Why Deep Relaxation?

Deep relaxation and hypnosis has many benefits but the main key point is that it can be used alongside AND enhance any treatment.

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What are the benefits?

There are a huge amount of benefits to regular deep relaxation.It can aid your general physical and mental health and wellbeing.

The Science Behind It

To be able to understand how deep relaxation works there must be understanding as to how the body works, in good times and in bad, such as a cancer diagnosis. So that's what we did...

Deep levels of relaxation during theta brainwave activity, facilitate your body and mind in restoring itself

“Every thought produces neurons
and connections in the body.”

David Hamilton - How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body

Hypnosis works with the subconscious mind which is programmed every day by our thoughts and experiences.

For every thought we have there’s a physiological and chemical change in the body. You can only hold one thought in your mind at any one time even though you get a rapid series of thoughts

Negative fearful, anxious, worrying thoughts produce stress hormones, adrenalin and cortisol – fight or flight hormones. These prepare you to either run from a dangerous situation or stand and defend yourself. During fight or flight oxygenated blood is sent to your arms and legs to run from or fight real or perceived danger.

The immune system is depressed. They stop you healing, sleeping, use up your energy and create inflammation.

Wonderful if you have to flee from a burning building or fight your way out of a situation but no use after a cancer diagnosis.

Positive happy, loving, kind, hopeful thoughts, seeing what can go right with a situation, release endorphins and oxytocin into the body. Endorphins are your feelgood hormones, 200 times more powerful than morphine they boost the immune system. They are healing.

“Those who went through the relaxation, visualisation programme had a 45 per cent reduced risk of recurring breast cancer, even 11 years later”

Clinical Cancer Research, 2010

Ride the Wave of Relaxation

We have different brainwave states, Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta.

When deeply relaxed, not asleep, we enter a Theta brainwave state.

“During the Theta brainwave activity, both the body and the mind experience enhanced rejuvenation and healing. Due to the deep levels of relaxation that the Theta brainwaves facilitate, the body and mind are easily able to restore themselves during and after illness as well as after mental burnout and physical exertion” (

Deep, hypnotic relaxation, is known to improve quality of sleep, reduce anxiety, increase confidence, boost energy levels, reduce pain and inflammation and create a feeling of wellbeing.

I recently used Sparkle from the Inside to successfully recover from covid.

In cancer terminology I’m “in remission”. In my language I’m “work in progress”

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